Episode 40

A Father's hopes for Summer Vacation - Fun, Faith and New Perspectives with Brian Caldwell


July 4th, 2024

37 mins 30 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

Jen speaks with Brian Caldwell, Director of Family Life Office at the Archdiocese of Newark, and Adjunct Professor at Caldwell University (no relation) about the importance of making faith an integrated part of family life, and not just an add-on once a week for an hour on Sundays.
Brian oversees the work of the Pre-Cana marraige prep for those beginning married life as well as the anniversary masses that honor couples who have had seen their unions last the test of time.
Brian is a husband and a father of three, and shares some insight into the ways in which he and his wife's dedication to eachother and their willingness to keep an open dialogue with their kids has helped them to tackle the big events and the in-between times of life.

Image is not actual photo of Caldwell family.

Family Life Office - https://rcan.org/family-life/

Office for Evangelization website: www.rcan.org/evangelization
Our original theme music is "Meditation" by Eric Hunter. - www.erichuntermusic.com