Associate Director of the Office for Evangelization
Jennifer D. Behnke has hosted 42 Episodes.
Episode 19: Ep 19: School of Prayer -Building your spiritual tool box with Fr. John Gordon
May 19th, 2023 | 31 mins 2 secs
catholic, conversation, evangelization, faith, family, gospel, jesus christ, prayer, repentance, spirituality
Fr. John and Jen introduce the new in person series coming in the Fall from the Office For Evangelization - The School of Prayer.
Episode 18: Ep 18: Fatima Part 2 - Our Lady's mantle of light and our responsibility
April 28th, 2023 | 50 mins 18 secs
Jen sits down with Ricardo Casimiro, Campus minister at The Newman Center Montclair State University to discuss the message of Fatima, the apparitions, World Youth Day and the Pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima touring the Archdiocese of Newark this May 2023. Part 2 of 2 episodes
Episode 17: Ep 17: Fatima Part 1: Dear Newark, we have a Mother!
April 28th, 2023 | 33 mins 58 secs
Jen sits down with Ricardo Casimiro, Campus minister at The Newman Center Montclair State University to discuss the message of Fatima, the apparitions, World Youth Day and the Pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Fatima touring the Archdiocese of Newark this May 2023. Part 1 of 2 episodes
Episode 16: Ep 16: "God's Love - We can't even imagine!" with Sr. Patricia Wormann O.P.
April 4th, 2023 | 25 mins 23 secs
catholic, conversation, easter, evangelization, faith, gospel, holy week, jesus christ, lent, vocation
Sr. Pat Wormann, serves as the Delegate for Religious for the Archdiocese of Newark. A member of the Caldwell Dominicans, Sr. Pat has been a nun for 58 years. She shares a piece of her vocation story and the hope and joy she finds in knowing that "Jesus is right in the midst of our mess"
Episode 15: Ep 15: We should glory in the cross? Hope is the Christian world-view
March 14th, 2023 | 28 mins 27 secs
catholic, conversation, evangelization, faith, family, gospel, jesus christ, lent, prayer, repentance, spirituality
Fr. John and Jen talk about the importance of living as people of God who understand that our Hope in Jesus is the only sure thing, and is an outlook that can be strengthened when lived in communion with Him and community with each other.
Episode 14: Ep 14: Ashes speak to the Human Heart - 'Hope from the Ashes' author Paul Jarzembowski
February 13th, 2023 | 40 mins 4 secs
Jen interviews Paul Jarzembowski, author and Associate Director for USCCB engagement with laity ministry, ecclesial movements, youth, and young adults. Paul's book Hope from the Ashes (Paulist Press 2021) offers practical advice for welcoming our Lenten visitors back to church, and a pastoral plan to keep them.
Episode 13: Ep 13: We are One Body in Christ with Dr. Anne Masters, Ph.D., FAAIDD
February 2nd, 2023 | 28 mins 25 secs
Jen is joined by Dr. Anne Masters, Ph.D., FAAIDD - Director of the Office for Pastoral Ministry with Persons with Disabilities, as they discuss belonging and evangelization to and with all members of the Body of Christ.
Episode 12: Ep 12: Fit for Divinity with Fr. Paul Houlis
January 27th, 2023 | 34 mins 55 secs
Jen talks with Fr. Paul Houlis, about the Dignity of the human person and the way Christ redeems humanity in Body and Soul.
Episode 11: Ep 11: New Year. New me? - Fr. John and Jen discuss the difference between disciplines and resolutions
January 20th, 2023 | 40 mins 7 secs
catholic, conversation, evangelization, faith, family, gospel, jesus christ, lent, prayer, repentance, spirituality
Fr. John and Jen discuss the difference between disciplines and resolutions and encourage our listeners to start thinking now about our Lenten practices to have longer-lasting spiritual benefits for our lives.
Episode 10: Christmas Traditions - Fr. John and Jen
December 20th, 2022 | 38 mins 59 secs
The Family and Faith traditions of the holiday season which serve to connect us to each other and our Church throughout our lives.
Episode 9: God's desire to know us and to love us - Evangelizing young women
December 16th, 2022 | 31 mins 40 secs
Jennifer speaks with Sr. Kelly Schuster, FMA about God's overwhelming desire to know us and to love us, and how she helps her high school students recognize God's love in their own lives.
Episode 8: Four P's of Advent and getting beyond commercial Christmas - Evangelizing young men
December 16th, 2022 | 35 mins 9 secs
Jennifer speaks with Fr. Bogumil Misiuk, about the Four P's of Advent and the importance of getting beyond the commercial Christmas.